Participants view scenes of daily life as well as travel adventures – then process the emotions they trigger through art One Monday in July, Samantha Tovar, known as Royal, left…
AutoVRse transforms workplace safety with AI-powered VR training at National Safety Week
14. März 2025AutoVRse enables workers to practice emergency responses, refine technical skills, and enhance safety compliance. AutoVrse, provider of Virtual Reality (VR) training solutions, is transforming workplace safety by leveraging AI-powered VR…
Online learning has evolved rapidly in recent years, driven by technological advances that make learning more accessible, interactive, and efficient. From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, these innovations are transforming…
Dass die Justiz bei der Digitalisierung nicht immer hinterherhinkt, zeigt ein innovatives Projekt in Rheinland-Pfalz, bei dem Referendare mittels VR-Brillen Zeugen verhören können. Im Interview mit Jannina Schäffer schildert Prof.…
Immersives Lernen bietet spannende Möglichkeiten für den Erwerb einer neuen Sprache und ist auch für das Corporate Learning bestens geeignet. Der Ansatz fördert eine tiefgreifende Verarbeitung, indem das Gehirn sprachliche…
Meta To Recommend Using Unity & Unreal’s Built-In OpenXR Support From Next Week
12. März 2025Meta will recommend that developers use the built-in OpenXR support of Unity and Unreal from next week. The news comes shortly after we reported on developer frustration that Meta’s Unity…
The future of football: How technology is redefining training in the Premier League In the heart of English football, where tradition meets innovation, a silent revolution is transforming how teams prepare…
‘Electrician Simulator’ Arrives on All Major VR Headsets This Month, Trailer Here
12. März 2025Take IT Studio, the developer behind Electrician Simulator (2022), is bringing a VR version of the game to Quest, PSVR 2 and PC VR headsets this month. Electrician Simulator VR is…
GOLF+ is experimenting with tracking your real putter by attaching Logitech’s MX Ink tracked stylus to the top of it. Logitech’s MX Ink released in September, as the first officially…
The deepened collaboration aims to boost knowledge retention, reduce incidents, and maximize on-site effectiveness Rounding off a busy week for the XR industry, PIXO VR made further strides in bringing…
Explore scalable immersive learning with AI, AR, and cloud-based simulations, offering cost-effective and accessible alternatives to VR headsets for global workforces. Scaling Immersive Learning: Beyond Devices Traditional learning methods are…
ImagineAR sign a $10 million deal to push a blueprint for immersive tourism services XR is growing, and so are its use cases. While here at XR Today, we discuss…
Da die Kulturindustrie immer mehr zu einer wichtigen Triebkraft für das Wirtschaftswachstum und die Bewahrung der nationalen Identität wird, unternimmt Dong Nai strategische Schritte, um das große Potenzial dieses Bereichs…
Virtual Reality: A Game-Changer for Workplace Safety and Active Shooter Training
10. März 2025Workplace violence remains a significant concern for businesses worldwide, manifesting in various forms ranging from verbal threats and harassment to physical aggression and active shooter incidents. According to the American…
Erlebe die Zukunft des Lernens mit und für XR & KI In einer Welt, in der kontinuierliches Lernen entscheidend für den Erfolg ist, hebt die HumanAIse Immersive Academy das Re-/Upskilling…
Berufliche Bildung im digitalen Zeitalter – Kaufmännische Schule setzt auf virtuelle Lernumgebung
7. März 2025Die Kaufmännische Schule Bad Mergentheim (KSM) entwickelt als Teil des landesweiten Innovationsprojektes „innolabBS“ (Innovationslabor berufliche Schulen) virtuelle Lernumgebungen für die Schülerinnen und Schüler. Landrat Christoph Schauder überzeugte sich kürzlich gemeinsam…
Extended reality (XR) will reach a turning point in 2025, marked by advances in HW, the integration of AI and a growing and uncertain battle between ecosystems. Following the official…
Last week at the SHAPE MENA event, members of the Global Shapers community did more than just explore XR (extended reality technology) —they immediately started brainstorming how to apply it…
At Lucid Reality Labs, we see a growing interest among our clients and target audiences in integrating smart glasses technology into their businesses. To better understand this trend, we decided…
Picture this: an engineering student doesn’t have to imagine the inside of a jet engine; they can walk around inside one. A medical student isn’t just looking at a 2D…